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The Official Guides of the Path

The list of our guides who deal with the design, management and maintenance of the Templar Path.

Events are periodically organized on the path, but we are always available to accompany you along all the stages of the path, even with weekly packages complete with: guide, dinner and accommodation.

Contact us for information and reservations.

Tra Montana 
Guide dell'Appennino

Tra Montana Guide dell'Appennino was born in 2015 with the aim of bringing together all the guides of the Monte Cucco Park and the Umbria-Marche Apennines.

We have about 40 members and we manage the Monte Cucco Tourist Cave, we take care of all the educational and environmental activities in the Park.

We manage 3 facilities in the Monte Cucco Park, two hostels and a refuge.

For more information visit our website:

The development and maintenance of the path is taken care of by


Association Between Montana - Corso Mazzini 13, 06021 Costacciaro - Perugia

PA 03482890542 - CF 92017600542

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